Run for your life! It's poetry time.

First Contact

The following poem was written at the request of my ex-wife in response to an email sent to me that said: "Hey i was wondering i'm in a poetry class and i wanted share a peom about aliens and i was at your page and was wondering if you could write an 'ALIEN' poem for me......?" Since the marriage lasted about 10 minutes it makes parts of this even funnier to me than it was at the time.

A button pressed, electrons flow, across a copper wire.
A message sent is now received expressing a desire.
"I want some help, I'd like for you to quickly write a poem
For me to read while I'm in class allowing me to show'em"
"What thoughts you might have to express on aliens that may
Or may not be among us now or somewhere on the way"
"To visit us and meet with us (assuming they exist).
Will you refuse? Or is this a request you can't resist."
Normally I would not write a poem for someone
I did not know, although it's true it sometimes can be fun.
But in this case I do not write this poem for just you,
But also for the one with whom I share my journey through
This life, my wife, who's being here to me is still so new,
Amazing, unexpected, like a bolt out of the blue.
So if this life has room in it for such a dream come true
There might be left enough room for an alien or two.

- Jeff Huber (Oct 1999)