Run for your life! It's poetry time.

Do I know any 24 line poems on life?

This was written in response to an email message that was in it's entirety: "do you know any 24 line poems on life?"

If I read through all of the poems on life,
About all the heartache, the pain, and the strife,
The wonder, the magic, the joy, and the love,
About any of that or all the above,
Or something about just what it all means,
About whether it's more than just passing on genes.
Through all of the searching through all of the days,
And reading thoughts written in so many ways,
Expressed by an author in some way a new,
Something made clearer for me or for you,
Some small new grasped meaning that they did hold out,
To try and make clear what it's all about.
I'd surely find things I had wanted to say,
But never had managed to find the right way,
Something that managed to say things just right,
And make something clear without sounding trite,
Some way to express a thing honest and true,
About why we're here and do what we do.
But now comes a thought risen up in my mind,
About something in all of this I might find,
If I limit the search to a narrower goal,
Of poems that are about life as a whole,
It would make it much harder within those confines,
To find you a poem with twenty four lines.

- Jeff Huber (June 1998)